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Nostalgia in Video Games

Now that it has been on the market for several years and made obsolete by the Wii, the GameCube is being exiled to attics and top shelves in closets. While you may think that you will never play the antiquated system again, video games have a way of being cyclical. When the GameCube hit stores, […]

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An Overlooked Gaming System

While a lot of people think PlayStation 2 was the dominant console of the last generation, I think Gamecube kept up where it mattered.  Nintendo Gamecube consoles never sold as well as PS2, but they definitely had some great games. I recently purchased Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for Gamecube, and I expected it to […]

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Consolation for My Console Issue

When I was growing up, my friend Brad was the only one in our immediate circle of buddies who had an N64. That meant that his house was our gaming destination by default. We would log long hours playing GoldenEye in his parents’ basement, surviving on snacks and soda into the wee hours of the […]

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Giving in to Nostalgia

Giving in to Nostalgia

Every now and then, I get the itch to revisit a classic game that I played to death when it first came out. Sometimes this means dusting off old consoles that haven’t seen much use in a while. Just a year ago, I plowed through my old Super Nintendo library, playing Diddy Kong Racing and […]

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Repairing a Nintendo Gamecube

Repairing a Nintendo Gamecube

While a hardier console in comparison to the Xbox and PlayStation 2, the Gamecube still had a few known issues and it’s not uncommon for a model to break down after extended use. There are several common ailments with CD based game consoles, the most common being the CD lens wearing down over time. If […]

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Don’t Let Link Get Lost

Don’t Let Link Get Lost

  Even though it’s been almost six years, I still have beat Zelda on the Gamecube. It takes me a while to finish games, what can I say? But my cats being the awesome little creatures they are, knocked over a potted plant onto my Gamecube and now there’s dirt in the crevasses.  Luckily, I […]

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