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A Touch of Innovation with the Nintendo Wii

When Nintendo made their newest system, the Wii, many gamers were skeptical about the Wii’s success due to their previous system, the GameCube, failing to appeal to most mature and adult gamers. But the Nintendo Wii system proved to have the innovation needed to propel it forward to the best selling system currently on the market. The Wii’s innovation is in the motion sensitive control pad, which can act as a sword for slashing, a fishing reel, or a bowling ball depending on the game. The player gains a heightened feel of immersion as their actions with the controller are reflected on the screen.

The sense of touch and control the Wii allows the player is unprecedented, and has proved to be a new industry standard for future gaming. The Wii also has several game titles geared towards mature and adult players, the aspect that the GameCube lacked. Although there aren’t widespread Wii breakdowns, they will happen due to the advanced technology. There is no need to panic, however, as several sites offer professional Nintendo Wii console repair.

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