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Technical Issues with the Xbox 360


The initial wave of Xbox 360 consoles were prone to a number of technical issues that plagued gamers, and also lead to reduced console sales because of the risk.  Though some Xbox 360 consoles have had different hardware (to prevent overheating), certain versions are prone to a condition dubbed by gamers as the “Red Ring of Death”.  This condition manifests when the console starts up, in which it will attempt to load the disc inside the console, and fail, resulting in a lighted red ring which appears over the usual lighted green ring of a working console.  Microsoft has been sued over this faulty hardware, and is well aware of the fallibility of its older Xbox 360 units.

To perform an Xbox 360 repair, it’s first important to realize that it cannot be done by a typical gamer.  The console must be sent into either Microsoft or a console repair service.  Microsoft is notorious for keeping consoles longer than necessary, so an unaffiliated console repair service can be the best way to go to get your console back and start gaming.


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